Bidonn a very first open source core reverse auction software and free bidding script of MavenTricks has been out for the public use from August 02, 2012 onwards. It was a great launch function attended by our team members and a special guest.
Features of Bidonn :
1.Reverse Auction System
2.Escrow Payment Option
3.Paypal payment gateway integration
4.Personal message board
5.Comprehensive site admin panel
6.Private project option
7.Option to categorize projects like featured, urgent, high budget
8.Customizable email templates
9.Configurable fees by site admin
10.Easy to customize header, footer and theme of the system
11.Invoice generation
System Requirements :
1.Operating System : Linux, Windows
2.Apache web server
3.PHP 5.3.8 and above
4.MySQL 5.0.33 and above
5.GD library
Checkout the snapshots taken during the celebration :